Do Your Legislators Know Your District?

In most states the legislature will start their session sometime in January.  Thus, as superintendent, you have about three months left to make sure your legislators know your district and understand the unique challenges you face.  We work in a time period when legislative action is evermore polarized and as superintendent you must be prepared to defend your district from legislation which may have a negative impact on your school community. I believe boards are increasingly expecting superintendents to be involved in the legislative process; therefore to be viewed as effective we must be informed and knowledgeable.  As this is …

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How are you doing? Assessing How the Staff and Community Perceive Your Performance

I remember while completing my doctorate we studied the “Johari Window”, which is a tool designed to help us understand how we are perceived by others.  The tool, which is broken into quadrants, points out there are portions of our life which we know and understand, but others do too.  We also have parts of our life which we know, but is unseen to others.  Finally, we all have “blind spots”; areas where others know things about us, but we are unaware of what they see.  Is there a way for us to gain insight into these blind spots for …

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