Rejuvenating Your Leadership: Three Summertime Ideas

The school year is over for some in the U.S. and not far off for others, so now is a good time to reflect on what you can do to rejuvenate your leadership this summer. Today, I want to throw out a few ideas which you may or may not have considered. I am not talking about taking a vacation, finding more time to golf, or spending time with the family (all great ideas!), but rather providing thoughts for individual self-renewal as a leader. I am proposing three specific ideas, with clear recommendations, which I believe will help you “re-center” …

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Hiring the “New” Teacher Workforce: Are You Ready?

Hiring teachers is becoming more and more difficult. Unfortunately, with the negativism K-12 education is facing and the stress teachers feel, many are leaving the field and fewer candidates are entering preparation programs. It is unlikely, without major change regarding how society respects, compensates, and supports teachers; and K-12 education in general, that this situation will change in the foreseeable future. What will change? A “new” teacher workforce will enter our K-12 classrooms. In part due to the realities of what was discussed above, but also based upon societal changes regarding how people view the workplace. Let me outline below …

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