Leadership, Paradox and Thinking Anew

I have been reflecting lately on superintendents and other leaders across our nation who are beset by the challenges of addressing COVID, while simultaneously needing to focus on what comes next. It is this paradox of leading the organization in the current, while saving enough mental and emotional bandwidth to consider what will be required a year from now that is of concern. In today’s post I would like to briefly discuss the paradox of leading from a “current and next” perspective, how our inherent mental and emotional wiring impacts our thinking, and finally what leaders can do to manage …

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Lessons Learned

I have been reflecting on what we can learn from our country’s recent political environment, and how we can apply these lessons to our leadership. My intent is not to make a political statement, but rather to step back and look broadly at leadership actions, assessing what works and what does not. In the following paragraphs I have identified three lessons we can apply, all of which directly impact how we function as leaders. Each lesson is borne out of what we have recently experienced, and I believe can impact us greatly if followed on a daily basis. It’s Typically …

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