Tips for Addressing Stress in One of the Toughest Jobs in America

A number of years ago an article in the American School Board Journal labeled the superintendency as “the toughest job in America” (Carr, 2003).  Is that true?  At times it can be and since the article changes in accountability, state and federal regulation, state funding, and the recognition of social and emotional issues (vaping, school violence, bullying…etc.) have made the position even more challenging.  Why is the superintendency so tough, and what New Year’s resolutions can we put in place to make the job easier in 2020? The job is tough, I believe, because it is highly political.  Specifically, superintendents …

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How Superintendents (and other leaders) Remain Focused On What Counts

In the center of my living room this morning sits our Christmas tree.  It draws my attention as I see lights blinking, colorful decorations affixed to the branches, and most importantly ornaments made over the years by our children.  It is fun to focus on our children’s handiwork and to realize how powerful this visual reminder is for me as a father. I have come to believe in the power of visual reminders and the impact they have on us as superintendents and as leaders.  Visual reminders stimulate our emotions and often serve as an anchor in our lives bringing …

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