How Leaders Thrive During Challenging Times and Situations

It seems to me that one of three scenarios play out in leaders’ lives when faced with challenges: 1) They abdicate their leadership role leaving actions to be guided by others, or 2) They find ways to persevere and survive the situation as best they can, or 3) They learn to thrive, regardless of the scenario which comes before them in their lives. The question is how do leaders achieve the third scenario, especially now when faced with the greatest challenges of their professional career? The answer, I believe, comes down to focusing on a simple yet difficult to follow …

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Rumors, Mistruths, and Hearsay: How is a Superintendent to React?

As a superintendent I was often called upon to address questions about a current event or decision in the district which was the product of rumor, mistruth or hearsay. It was frustrating, but at least I was asked! Too often these tales are kept underground and take on a life of their own. Superintendents are then compelled to spend days, if not weeks, working to correct the record. To combat these issues we must first understand the process by which they travel, but then consider how we can move to “correct the record”. We must design a system, that is …

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