Research-Based Challenges Superintendents’ Must Overcome to Achieve Success

Harvard professor, Dr. Carolyn Hughes Chapman, led a study some years back on the superintendency which I believe is insightful for us as school district leaders.  The study included 12 professors and 18 superintendents.  It was an in depth view of the superintendency from various perspectives, and it sought to determine where district leaders face their greatest challenges on the job.  I believe the lessons learned here are not only applicable to superintendents, but in many cases other educational leaders as well.  Let’s take a look at some of Chapman’s findings. Below I outline eight findings from the study which …

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Is Your District Ready to Hire Generation Z Teachers?

Generation Z teachers are coming and I believe they will transform our school systems.  Is your district prepared for this shift?  To what extent has your leadership team, and especially your HR department, discussed what is coming?  Today I would like to discuss a few characteristics my analysis has uncovered regarding Generation Z, and also to offer a few “operational shifts” to start us thinking about this transition. First, Generation Z, per Pew Research, was born after 1997.  So, they are 22 years old this year and will soon be applying for jobs in our school districts.  Gen Z is …

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