Serving as a superintendent has always involved a unique skill set, which combines content knowledge, leadership skill, emotional and political intelligence. Today, these skills require enhanced focus along with tremendous wisdom, discernment, and thoughtful decision-making. We are all aware of the assault superintendents are facing presently as a result of culture wars, board members pursuing politically divisive positions, and state legislatures which are seeking to unravel public education as we have known it. Today, I would like to provide a few thoughts on the current state of the superintendency and offer a couple of solutions which I believe might be …
Author: admin
Leadership DNA
I was listening to a presentation recently by a colleague, Dr. Jeff Sprout, who was discussing the concept of Leadership DNA. I had never thought about Leadership DNA, at least not in this context, and found the idea compelling. In today’s post I would like to describe the concept and how it can confirm our purpose, shape our actions, and guide our leadership legacy. In Dr. Sprout’s presentation he spoke of the fact that through his administrative career he has learned something from every leader who supervised him. In other words, every leader, whether they think about it or not, …
Superintendent Self-Care: 4 Small Ways to Reduce Job Stress
The superintendency has never been easy, but it has become more demanding in the past few years. As the country experiences ongoing polarization and social issues come up at every board meeting, it can be tough to maintain the energy to be effective. Superintendents can end up in a mode of constant nervousness, not knowing when or where the next issue will appear. Unfortunately, this is becoming “normal” for many and thus must be addressed if superintendents are to maintain resilience in their positions. As I see more superintendents dealing with fatigue, I want to provide a couple of ideas …
3 Things to Make Sure New Principals know Before they Start the Job
K-12 education is experiencing tremendous turnover right now at the administrative level and the reasons for this challenge are clear (COVID, parent/community unrest, disagreement regarding social issues…etc.). We can’t change the fact that administrators will face these issues, but we can arm them, especially new principals, with concepts which will help them succeed in their new environment. Today, I would like to highlight three concepts which I believe can assist new principals (and other administrators too) if shared during their entry or induction processes. You might ask why focus on these three specifically? The answer is that although many lessons …
Leading in a Sensational World
We are living and working in a world which is becoming increasingly sensational. The news cycle today is so quick that to gain people’s attention the message has oftentimes become some combination of fantastical, loud, or unhinged. News outlets are in such a hurry to be first that the story often lacks thorough vetting or is incomplete. School districts and superintendents are not immune from this reality and thus must think through how to operate in this increasingly challenging environment. How do you combat stories presented by the media, or that are circulating on social platforms, which at a minimum …
Rejuvenating Your Leadership: Three Summertime Ideas
The school year is over for some in the U.S. and not far off for others, so now is a good time to reflect on what you can do to rejuvenate your leadership this summer. Today, I want to throw out a few ideas which you may or may not have considered. I am not talking about taking a vacation, finding more time to golf, or spending time with the family (all great ideas!), but rather providing thoughts for individual self-renewal as a leader. I am proposing three specific ideas, with clear recommendations, which I believe will help you “re-center” …
Hiring the “New” Teacher Workforce: Are You Ready?
Hiring teachers is becoming more and more difficult. Unfortunately, with the negativism K-12 education is facing and the stress teachers feel, many are leaving the field and fewer candidates are entering preparation programs. It is unlikely, without major change regarding how society respects, compensates, and supports teachers; and K-12 education in general, that this situation will change in the foreseeable future. What will change? A “new” teacher workforce will enter our K-12 classrooms. In part due to the realities of what was discussed above, but also based upon societal changes regarding how people view the workplace. Let me outline below …
Leadership Inertia
Leading school districts today is more challenging than ever. The combination of community unrest, lack of public support for K-12 education, and waves of COVID have led superintendents to become overwhelmed. At these points in time, when we become overwhelmed in our jobs, it can be hard to know which way to go, which decisions to make, and how to address the volume of issues which stand before us. Today, let’s spend some time attempting to understand how operating in an overwhelming environment as leaders can lead to inertia. Also, once in a state of inertia, how to move beyond …
Surviving in Tough Times
School district leaders are likely facing the toughest time in their careers at this moment. Whether it be handling political division on a variety of current topics, attempting to keep the district afloat due to staffing shortages, or exhaustion from two years of dealing with COVID – it is taking a heavy toll. The question on my mind is how leaders survive right now. What can be done to achieve the resilience to move forward? How can leaders keep from becoming overwhelmed and ultimately burning out? We all have a breaking point; what can we do to keep from going …
School Districts Have an Employee Shortage Now, but What’s Coming Down the Pike?
Across the U.S. one of the greatest challenges facing school districts is how to hire staff. I am not just talking teachers, but classified workers too, such as bus drivers, food service workers, administrative assistants…etc. The private sector is racing to increase wages (which they can pass on to the customer) which exacerbates the situation as school districts simply don’t have the resources to respond. To address the current situation districts are implementing several creative programs, which is necessary to keep classrooms functioning and systems operating. Many innovative approaches are being pursued, which is both commendable and encouraging. The question …