Preparing Principals to End the Year Successfully

It is the beginning of March and the school year will be concluding in a few months. Superintendents are currently focused on a continuum of issues ranging from budget development to hiring, and once we get into April the volume of year end activities will be upon us. 

One item we often don’t clarify (and we should) is what is required of our principals prior to their departure for the summer?  Today, I want to briefly focus on that topic and also provide a checklist of items we should consider as part of this process.

Every school has a teacher checkout procedure and it has likely been refined over a number of years.  Most principals manage the procedure diligently and doing so works to ensure teachers head into summer in a positive and organized manner.  We all know this is important so that necessary supplies can be ordered, repairs can be made, and classrooms can be readied for students in the fall.

Interestingly, many districts don’t follow a checkout procedure for their building principals.  Clearly principals need to remember to address certain items prior to the summer too – just like the teachers – and the district typically needs certain items which cannot be obtained once building administrators are off on vacation.

So, to address this issue some districts develop a “principal checkout form”.  Although many districts do not have such a document, now is the time to complete one prior to the crush of spring activities.  If developed over the next month or so the district will have time to properly design a form and ask for feedback.  You might be surprised at the items which come up when district and building level administrators (to include assistant principals) collaborate on this task.

Does your district have a principal checkout form?  If so, please share it in the comments section below.  I have included a template too.  As always, remember that we all gain wisdom when we communicate and share with each other.